Franchise is Avalible

Get to know your car

All Inclusive programs provide the student with 30 hours of class, and all class materials. We offer weekday classes,
Saturday/Sunday classes, Saturday only, and Sunday only classes

Programs Available
  • Complete Course Options (Classroom + Behind the Wheel Lessons)
  • Partial Course Options (Behind the Wheel Lessons Only)
  • Partial Course Options (Classroom Instruction Only)
  • Additional Practice Hours (Behind the Wheel Lessons)
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Program Overview

Get to know your car and more – this service is designed for anyone who would like to know more about their particular vehicle: what are the strengths and the weaknesses of that particular model, how it may perform in the certain conditions, what is this thing on the dash board means, when and how to check and maintain oil and other fluids levels, what the tyres pressure should be, how do you go about the flat tyre, where do you go for repairs etc. etc. I will give you the comprehensive answer and (or) training in any aspect of your vehicle basic maintenance and pre driving checks – just tell me what you would like to know.


Book now

0800 707 709
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Sat: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm